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Michael Parshley



Sobre o Michael

Mike Parshley is a member of our M&A practice.

His experience spans numerous large scale post-merger integration and divestiture programs with a specific focus on Consumer Products and Retail. His case portfolio also includes value creation plans, due diligence, cost transformations, and customer growth strategies.

Prior to joining us, he held several roles within financial services and investment banking.

Mike earned an MBA from the Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth and a B.A. in political science from Colgate University.

In his personal time, Mike enjoys anything active - running, playing soccer, skiing, etc. - and spending time with his wife, Sara, and their 3 children, Eleanor, Charlotte, and Jack.

Recent Insights

  • Retail M&A,” M&A Report, janeiro 31, 2023, Report
  • Retail M&A,” M&A Report, fevereiro 08, 2022, Report

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