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Headshot of Jessie Chaiet

Jessie Chaiet


Sobre o Jessie

How did you know that Bain was the right company for you?

It’s really the people at Bain that make it such a great place to work. Going into my ACI summer, I felt intimidated by the large size of the Chicago office, and I worried about how I would find my way. However, all the people on my case team instantly made me feel at home and were incredibly invested in my learning and development over those 10 weeks. Now, in the full-time role, I am still so energized by the people around me and am constantly learning from my peers – many of whom I consider my friends!

Share some of your favorite work (personal or professional) you’ve done while at Bain.

My favorite case so far has been for a grocery store client, helping them navigate supplier negotiations as part of our Advanced Retail Buying practice. Our clients had never conducted negotiations of this kind before, so it was great to work closely with them and watch their skill sets grow significantly throughout the course of the case. Another reason this case was my favorite was that I had the opportunity to be on an all-female Bain team!

What advice would you give a candidate who is interested in recruiting for consulting?

My biggest piece of advice is to be yourself and show your personality throughout the recruitment process. During the process, we really want to get to know you and what motivates you, including your hobbies and interests. Although case interviews can feel intimidating, approach them like a problem you are solving with your interviewer, not at your interviewer; that will help it feel more natural and allow your personality to shine.