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Satisfaction: The False Path to Employee Loyalty

Satisfaction: The False Path to Employee Loyalty

Perks and benefits can help you attract, retain, and satisfy the talent you want at your company, but happy employees are not the same as loyal employees.

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Satisfaction: The False Path to Employee Loyalty

Perks and benefits can help you attract, retain, and satisfy the talent you want at your company, but happy employees are not the same as loyal employees. Turning those talented, satisfied workers into loyal employees is difficult. The strongest businesses--those with the most loyal employees and customers--are the ones in which employees are frequently dissatisfied. Based on a Bain & Company study, Frederick Reichheld explains that keeping teams small and giving employees the tools they need to build strong customer relationships can make your employees happy and loyal. Includes a sidebar called the Loyalty Acid Test--see how loyal your employees and customers are toward your company.

Purchase the full text of this article from Harvard Business Online.

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