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Consumers Demand More from the Healthcare Ecosystem

Asia-Pacific consumers want more collaboration, lower costs and less complexity in their healthcare.

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Consumers Demand More from the Healthcare Ecosystem

Our research found that Asia-Pacific consumers have very clear expectations for primary care providers, hospitals and health insurers. The shift toward personalized preventative care and wellness, along with better access to care and managing costs, is readily apparent in what consumers want from those stakeholders. Consumers we surveyed also want primary care providers to take a more active role, providing integral support in their overall healthcare coordination. They expect insurers to incentivize and reward them for healthy lifestyles and to provide them with information on treatment options.

Related Report

Heeding the Call to Reinvent Healthcare Delivery

Our Asia-Pacific Front Line of Healthcare Report 2020 finds that healthcare systems across the region need to undergo transformational change—and that the timing couldn’t be better.


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