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Press release

Bain & Company appointed as a venture studio of EDB's corporate venture launchpad programme, to help corporates scale and accelerate new ventures from Singapore

Bain & Company appointed as a venture studio of EDB's corporate venture launchpad programme, to help corporates scale and accelerate new ventures from Singapore

  • julho 27, 2022
  • 3 min read

Press release

Bain & Company appointed as a venture studio of EDB's corporate venture launchpad programme, to help corporates scale and accelerate new ventures from Singapore

Singapore – 27 July 2022 – Bain & Company, the global business and management consultancy, today inked a Memorandum of Understanding with the Singapore Economic Development Board (EDB), to become an appointed venture studio under its Corporate Venture Launchpad 2.0 (CVL 2.0) programme.

Steve McGrath, Partner and Head of APAC Business Building and Corporate Innovation at Bain & Company and Jacqueline Poh, Managing Director of EDB endorsed the agreement at a signing ceremony to officiate the launch of the enhanced programme. EDB, a government agency responsible for strategies that enhance Singapore’s position as a global centre for business, innovation and talent, will provide an additional SGD $20 million in funding for companies to scale from Singapore to serve regional and global markets.

Under this programme, Bain will partner with established companies in Singapore to develop and build new ventures beyond their core businesses to create new products and services and reimagine business models in fresh areas of growth.

“As a global leader with a strong track record in enabling Engine 2 businesses, we are excited to partner EDB. Our NextSM suite of capabilities will enable corporates to envision the future, create new ventures and strengthen their internal capabilities. As companies focus on reshaping their core businesses, new business growth engines can help them stay relevant and ahead of the competition. It is paramount for business leadership to seek out opportunities to innovate and disrupt their industries by expanding their growth models to reach new markets, new customers, and forge new capabilities. This is critical in today’s ever-changing business environment,” said Steve.

Bain is looking for forward-looking corporate changemakers to collaborate with on the CVL programme. Qualified firms will have access to Bain’s NextSM team which includes more than 200 seasoned business builders—entrepreneurs, designers, engineers and venture ecosystem experts – that will support them in their new business venture journey to keep ahead of market disruptions and changes. This includes every phase of new product and business building, including:

  • Innovation. Spotting the unmet customer needs a company is best positioned to address, and defining the most relevant and viable value proposition.

  • Creation. Iterating the solution to ensure market fit; making critical decisions around building, partnering and buying; and building a team that can deliver

  • Scaling. Accelerating customer adoption in new segments and geographies, and continuously improving to realize growth.

Applications to participate in CVL 2.0 are now open. Please visit our website here for program highlights and details. For enquiries, interested firms can contact us at nextsg@bain.com.

Editor’s Note: To schedule an interview, please contact Tay Yan Xin at Yan-Xin.Tay@Bain.com, +65 9626 9806 or Jessy Chua at Jessy.Chua@Bain.com, +65 8101 0994.

Sobre a Bain & Company

Somos uma consultoria global que auxilia empresas e organizações a promover mudanças que definam o futuro dos negócios. Com 65 escritórios em 40 países, trabalhamos em conjunto com nossos clientes como um único time, com o propósito compartilhado de obter resultados extraordinários, superar a concorrência e redefinir indústrias. Em 2022, a Bain completou 25 anos de atuação na América do Sul, trabalhando fortemente em conjunto com as maiores companhias líderes de seus segmentos. Complementamos nosso conhecimento especializado integrado e personalizado com um ecossistema de inovação digital a fim de entregar os melhores resultados, com maior rapidez e durabilidade.

Com o compromisso de investir mais de US$ 1 bilhão em serviços pro bono em dez anos, usamos nosso talento, conhecimento especializado e percepção em prol de organizações que enfrentam atualmente os desafios urgentes relacionados ao desenvolvimento socioeconômico, meio ambiente, equidade racial e justiça social. 

Desde nossa fundação em 1973, medimos nosso sucesso pelo de nossos clientes e temos o orgulho de manter o mais alto nível de satisfação em nossa indústria. Saiba mais em www.bain.com.br e em nosso LinkedIn Bain & Company Brasil