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Press release

Bain & Company taps Julien Faye to lead its global Financial Services practice

Bain & Company taps Julien Faye to lead its global Financial Services practice

Manny Maceda, the firm’s Worldwide Managing Partner, announced his recent appointment, effective January 1.

  • fevereiro 26, 2020
  • min read

Press release

Bain & Company taps Julien Faye to lead its global Financial Services practice

New York – Feb. 26, 2020 – Bain & Company has appointed Julien Faye to lead its global Financial Services practice. Manny Maceda, the firm’s Worldwide Managing Partner, announced his recent appointment, effective January 1. 

Mr. Faye has more than two decades of management consulting experience across Europe, the Middle East, and North America.  For the last two years, he led the firm’s Financial Services practice in EMEA, growing it and consolidating its positioning among all the main markets. 

His expertise spans numerous sectors, including corporate and investment banks, asset management, capital markets, exchanges, retail and private banking, financial regulators and professional associations.  Much of his work focuses on business and corporate unit strategies and implementations, IT strategy, digitalization programs, IT transformation, risk management, performance improvement, post-merger integration, organizational design, and capital market operations. He is also a highly recognized expert on IT strategies.

“Julien was the natural choice to take the helm of our global Financial Services practice,” said Mr. Maceda. “He is a highly respected leader among major banks and insurers, as well as colleagues across our firm, with a proven track record for helping financial services organizations navigate digital disruption, redesign the customer experience, and plan for evolving competitive and regulatory landscapes.” 

In his new role, Mr. Faye will work with the world’s leading banks, insurance companies, and wealth management firms, leading affiliated Bain partners across all geographies.  His focus will include helping clients leverage the digital transformation, navigate changes in customer expectations, and deal with growing competition – within and external to the sector.

“The financial services sector is at a critical juncture with many struggling to keep up with rising customer expectations, competitive threats from digital natives and new regulations that add cost and complexity,” said Mr. Faye. “I, together with a team of talented Bain partners and consultants around the world, will continue to work with clients to help reignite their growth amid a period of significant industry disruption.”

Mr. Faye is a regular contributor to leading business and trade financial publications, especially on the topics of customer experience and customer loyalty. 

He is also a World Economic Forum Young Global Leader, one of a community of 200 extraordinary individuals drawn from every region of the world. Together, they form a powerful international community that share a commitment to shaping the global future.

Mr. Faye holds an MBA from INSEAD and graduated from Ecole Supérieure de Commerce de Paris.

Editor's Note: To arrange an interview, contact Dan Pinkney at dan.pinkney@bain.com or +1 646 562 8102

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