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Salary, flexibility, inspiration: what workers want varies by nation

Salary, flexibility, inspiration: what workers want varies by nation

A survey of 20,000 global workers finds geographic distinctions in what motivates workers. In France, the job must be interesting — in Germany, it must be secure. For all workers, though, the paycheck matters.

  • janeiro 10, 2022
  • min read


Salary, flexibility, inspiration: what workers want varies by nation

The findings, compiled from 20,000 workers in 10 countries, come at a time when Americans are quitting their jobs at a record clip, and employers around the globe are grappling with the pandemic’s disruption of long-held norms regarding when, where and how work happens. Companies that fail to learn the new rules of work could suffer employee defections, a breakdown in corporate culture and lost opportunities, so paying heed to what workers want is more critical than ever, said Bain partner Andrew Schwedel, who co-chairs the firm’s internal think tank, Bain Futures.
