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Procurement Magazine

Top 10 Sustainable Procurement Consulting Companies

Top 10 Sustainable Procurement Consulting Companies

Sustainable procurement is a hot topic in today's purchasing and supply chain management. But even companies seriously intent on developing sustainable KPIs in accordance with the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals can benefit from expert consulting

  • julho 20, 2021
  • min read

Procurement Magazine

Top 10 Sustainable Procurement Consulting Companies

Bain & Company prides itself on helping companies develop sourcing strategies for a sustainable future.

Operating across 61 offices in 38 countries, the firm has completed 1000+ procurement projects, reducing purchasing costs by 8-12%.

Its leadership recently signed off on the Business Ambition for 1.5˚C commitment letter, part of the Science-Based Targets Initiative.

And by 2030, they intend to achieve net-zero carbon emissions. Of Bain & Co’s partners and managers, 330+ possess considerable sustainability expertise—which might be why they approach sustainability from such a realistic perspective.

"Only 4% of companies achieve their sustainability goals," Bain & Co reports. But they promise that their clients can organise for success.

"The normal rules of business," they add, "don’t stop when it comes to sustainability and corporate responsibility. Pragmatic solutions still matter."

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Procurement Magazine