Press release

Kate Donaldson joins Bain & Company’s UK private equity practice as a partner

Kate Donaldson joins Bain & Company’s UK private equity practice as a partner

Kate has more than 30 years of experience driving commercial transformation for both private equity portfolio companies and corporate clients

  • marzo 03, 2021
  • Tempo di lettura min.

Press release

Kate Donaldson joins Bain & Company’s UK private equity practice as a partner

LONDON – March 3, 2021– Kate Donaldson, an expert in commercial transformation with more than three decades of experience, has joined Bain & Company’s private equity team as a partner. She will be based in the firm’s London office to lead Bain’s commercial excellence work with private equity portfolio companies.   
Kate has significant hands-on expertise in the areas of salesforce effectiveness and transformation, sales strategy, go-to-market improvement, sales incentive assessment and redesign and organisational transformation.   
Prior to joining Bain & Company, Kate was a partner and managing director at Alvarez & Marsal where she was the practice lead for commercial transformation. She managed commercial operations due diligence and commercial excellence for private equity clients as well as commercial transformation projects in the corporate space. Over the course of her career, she has worked across multiple sectors including consumer products, industrials, healthcare, transportation and logistics. Prior to consulting, Kate also served as an operating partner at a private equity firm in charge of sales and marketing assistance.   
“We are helping our clients change the way they think about and execute their commercial effectiveness strategies to retool and emerge stronger from these turbulent times,” said Mark Kovac, the global head of Bain & Company’s B2B Commercial Excellence team. “Kate brings tremendous experience and will provide pragmatic, action-oriented recommendations on how companies should address key opportunities, such as B2B salesforce mobilisation and the associated change management challenges.”  
Editor's Note: To arrange an interview, contact Aliza Medina at or +44 207 969 6480  

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