
Davos 2020: Bain Breakfast on Doing Agile Right

Speakers at the Bain Breakfast discussed how to scale Agile without sacrificing efficiency and reliability.


Davos 2020: Bain Breakfast on Doing Agile Right

Bain & Company Chairman Orit Gadiesh introduced four speakers at the 2020 Bain Breakfast at the World Economic Forum's annual meeting: Darrell Rigby and Sarah Elk, coauthors of Doing Agile Right; Sanjay Poonen, chief operating officer of customer operations at VMware; and Mauricio Minas, board member and executive vice president at Banco Bradesco. The speakers covered how organizations can reap the full benefits of Agile by transforming the role of leadership over time.

Coming Soon

Doing Agile Right: Transformation Without Chaos

Agile has the power to transform work—but only if it's implemented the right way.

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Bain at Davos

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