Nihar Naik

Associate Partner,

San Francisco

Profilo di Nihar

Nihar Naik is a leader in Bain’s Technology and Customer practices, with deep experience across consumer technology, metaverse, and e-commerce.

Since joining Bain in 2011, Nihar has focused on the intersection of customer and technology, with a particular focus on go-to-market strategy, customer experience, customer-led growth strategies, and innovation. He has particular depth in helping clients transform how they engage customers through product and marketing efforts to drive conversion, upsell, and retention. He has worked extensively on digital transformations and operating model topics, and heads up our IP efforts around the metaverse.

Outside of core casework, Nihar leads the San Francisco office’s Summer Offsite planning team and serves as a Class Captain to our Associate Consultants.

Nihar holds an MBA from the Stanford University Graduate School of Business and is a graduate of the Jerome Fisher Program in Management and Technology from the University of Pennsylvania, with BSEs in both Mechanical Engineering and Management.

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