Press release

Bain & Company leads discussions on scaling up green technologies at seventh edition of Future Investment Initiative

Bain & Company leads discussions on scaling up green technologies at seventh edition of Future Investment Initiative

Bain & Company announces its participation as a "Data and Knowledge Partner" at FII8

  • ottobre 22, 2023
  • Tempo di lettura min.

Press release

Bain & Company leads discussions on scaling up green technologies at seventh edition of Future Investment Initiative

RIYADH — October 23, 2023 — With Riyadh hosting the seventh edition of the Future Investment Initiative, a global gathering to provide solutions to global challenges faced by societies, Bain & Company announces its participation as a "Data and Knowledge Partner" at the event.

This year's event will be held under the theme 'The New Compass' from 24 to 26 October 2023, with the aim of examining key issues, social, economic and geopolitical transformations. Bain & Company Middle East will host an important panel discussion during the event.

Akram Alami, Partner and Middle East Head of Aviation, Utilities, and Sustainability & Responsibility Practices, Bain & Company, will lead a session on the energy transition. The "Scaling Green Technologies from Spark to Flame" program aims to overcome the uncertainty that appears on the potential capacity of the technology related to net zero emissions. The session will take place on October 24 at 12:00 pm. In this panel discussion, Akram Alami emphasizes that: "Green technologies are the future, and additional technological advances are key to enabling emissions elimination in hard-to-mitigate sectors and creating an achievable path towards net zero globally. By capitalizing on these ambitions for change, we look forward to this session discussing how leaders can summon unprecedented levels of investment, collaboration across sectors and courageous leadership to scale up these critical technologies on a global scale.

Tom De Waele , Middle East Managing Partner, Bain & Company, Middle East Office, highlights the importance of conducting this session right now: "Sustainability and environmental awareness have become indispensable considerations for businesses globally. They are no longer mere transients, but one of the foundations of lasting success. Embracing sustainability not only involves companies being responsible, but also fosters more agile businesses that are ready to grow."

Ahmed Bohsnak, Partner and Head of Bain & Company in Riyadh, said: "Recognizing the importance of economic diversification, Saudi Arabia's Vision 2030 has led many initiatives in recent years. These initiatives not only address economic diversification, but also include bold sustainability goals."

The seventh edition of the Future Investment Initiative is set to be one of the most impactful gatherings, with discussions on sustainability, artificial intelligence, green technologies and more. The event also aims to mobilize global efforts to adopt a collective vision to drive positive change for the benefit of our future.

Editor's Note: For any questions or to arrange an interview, please contact April Zaw at or +971 522012267.





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