Press release

Frédéric Debruyne appointed to lead Bain & Company's Telecommunications, Media, Technology practice in Europe, Middle East and Africa

Frédéric Debruyne appointed to lead Bain & Company's Telecommunications, Media, Technology practice in Europe, Middle East and Africa

Bain & Company has selected Frédéric Debruyne, a telecom and customer experience expert, as its new regional leader for the firm’s Europe, Middle East and Africa (EMEA) Telecommunications, Media and Technology Practice.

  • dicembre 01, 2015
  • 2 Tempo di lettura min.

Press release

Frédéric Debruyne appointed to lead Bain & Company's Telecommunications, Media, Technology practice in Europe, Middle East and Africa



BrusselsDecember 1, 2015 – Bain & Company, the global strategy consulting firm, has selected Frédéric Debruyne, a telecom and customer experience expert, as its new regional leader for the firm's Europe, Middle East and Africa (EMEA) Telecommunications, Media and Technology Practice.  The appointment was announced by Paul Meehan, Bain's EMEA Managing Director. Mr. Debruyne will continue to be based in Brussels.

In his new role, Mr. Debruyne will be responsible for shaping the strategy and vision for the practice's work throughout EMEA, including, working with partners across the region to build on Bain's reputation for action-oriented, enduring and repeatable results with a particular focus on its telecom clients. In particular, Mr. Debruyne will support the firm's core telecom clients in their digital transformation. 

Mr. Debruyne was previously a partner in Bain's TMT Practice, where he advised European-based telecom clients on corporate and business unit growth strategy, customer experience, digital transformation, channel strategy, cost reduction, and merger integration. He has lead several successful multi-year telecom transformations across Europe.   

Outside of his consulting work, Mr. Debruyne is active in the non-profit sector, notably as a member of the Advisory Board for Doctors Without Borders in Belgium.   

Prior to joining Bain in 2000, Mr. Debruyne was a manager at another business consulting firm. He earned his MBA, with distinction, from INSEAD and graduated with a Master of Science in commercial engineering from the Solvay Business School.

Editor's note: For an interview or photograph, please contact Wendela Manting.

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