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Worry about Personal Risks Eases for Covid-19 Healthcare Providers

In cities across the United States, the personal health and safety concerns of clinicians treating coronavirus patients have declined.

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Worry about Personal Risks Eases for Covid-19 Healthcare Providers

As their Covid-19 caseload stabilizes and the initial panic of the coronavirus pandemic wanes, frontline providers feel less concerned about the impact that caring for those with coronavirus will have on their own health and safety. When Bain & Company first asked this group about the issue in the last week of March, 76% of providers reported being “very concerned” about their own health and safety. One month later, that had dropped to 47%.

Worries have decreased in cities across the country, but faster in certain places. Practitioners in Los Angeles and New York had similarly high levels of concern in March. By the end of April, half as many LA practitioners were voicing high levels of worry, while in New York the decline was much more modest. Concerns about health and safety do remain elevated in many places, however, even as cities begin to reopen and hospitals plan for the return of elective care.

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