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Better Matchmaking with B2B Channel Partners

A robust channel partner database reveals which relationships to focus on.

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Better Matchmaking with B2B Channel Partners

When companies serving business markets rely on independent resellers, value-added resellers and other systems integrators to augment their sales, it can be a challenge to know which of these channel partners merit more business and which less. A partner’s reach may vary greatly by country or region, for instance. One technology original equipment manufacturer faced this problem when planning how to meet ambitious growth targets. The company worked with Bain & Company and used our channel partner database, which includes estimated bookings and technical capabilities for 200,000 channel partners, by country. We combined that data for the relevant products with each channel partner’s loyalty to the company vs. competitors. It became clear to the technology company which set of partners deserved a greater share of attention and resources. Experience using the database shows it can unlock growth in revenue through the channel of 5% to 10%.

Thierry Depeyrot is a partner with Bain & Company’s Customer Strategy & Marketing practice. He is based in San Francisco.

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