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MedTech Dive

Medtechs adapt to new sales reality amid halt on elective surgeries, hospitals' financial stress

Medtechs adapt to new sales reality amid halt on elective surgeries, hospitals' financial stress

One by one, medtech companies have warned investors that a temporary pause on elective procedures — the bread and butter for many device maker and hospital balance sheets alike — render best-laid 2020 forecasts obsolete.

  • abril 09, 2020
  • min read

MedTech Dive

Medtechs adapt to new sales reality amid halt on elective surgeries, hospitals' financial stress

Ultimately, COVID-19 could change the "one-dimensional" nature of medtech sales, he said.  

That reorientation could be especially important, given that the pandemic may prompt hospitals to rethink infection prevention protocols and potential restrictions to sales rep access beyond the current moment, said Tim van Biesen, who heads Bain & Company's global healthcare practice.

"If there's no going back to normal, then what's the what's the new normal?" van Biesen said that question "raises the opportunity for manufacturers to now get ahead of that from a technological standpoint."

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