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Why Consumer Health Brands Struggle to Grow

Many companies neglect digital marketing and brand promotion in pharmacies.

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Why Consumer Health Brands Struggle to Grow

Successful consumer health companies understand that shoppers switch brands often. So to grow brand revenue, they seek to increase total household penetration of their brand instead of trying to convince existing customers to buy more of their product or just raising prices. They repeatedly win back customers by continually investing in brand awareness, perfect store execution and online sales.

Dieter Meyer is a partner with Bain & Company’s Healthcare practice, and he is based in the Zurich office. Carina Sponholtz is a Bain principal with the Healthcare practice, and she is based in the firm’s Copenhagen office.

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Healthcare Insights

Bain Insights dig deep into the complex challenges that healthcare companies—including hospitals, insurers and medtech firms—face in patient care.

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