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Sobre WeiWei

Before coming to Bain, I was a scientist looking for new ways to analyze and synthesize new compounds to push our society forward. At Stanford, I started to become interested in how research was brought to the market. As scientists, we push the boundaries in science and technology to redefine what is possible. Towards the end of my PhD, I wanted to turn those possibilities into a reality and realized how important business operations was part of that formula. That sparked my interest in consulting.

In the past year, I worked in the automotive parts industry in Japan but I’m currently on a transfer to the Shanghai office to explore the cutting-edge Telecommunications, Media and Entertainment practice in China and I love it. I'm flying with the team to Shenzhen every week to help our clients think about scaling their practices globally. Working on Bain cases made me realize what a skill it is to motivate and change behaviors. It’s important to have both the data and the soft skills to communicate your recommendation in order to implement change.

Since I switched into consulting, I never lost my love for science. I still find time to study organic/inorganic/polymer/macromolecular synthesis and will soon start a part-time role as a Research Scientist at the University of Tokyo with my former lab mate.