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Jonathan Bordas

Младший партнер,

Los Angeles


Jonathan Bordas is a member of our Energy & Natural Resources, Sustainability & Responsibility and Private Equity practices.

During his time at Bain, he has scaled full potential programs including diagnostic, strategy design, deployment in BUs/regions/plants, and implementation monitoring with RDO. He has also been involved in multiple merger and acquisition projects for both PE and corporate clients: due diligence, carve-out preparation and implementation, equity story, and business planning.

Outside of his role at Bain, he was co-leading our ESG agenda in the Paris office and was involved in the recruiting team, notably teaching strategy to masters students at ESCP Europe since 2016.

Jonathan graduated from ESCP Europe and London City University.

In his personal time, Jonathan can be found outdoors, racing in offshore sailing, long distance running, or triathlon.

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