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Grant Dougans


Leader in our Energy and Natural Resources practice and seasoned advisor to executives driving the energy transition


Grant Dougans leads our strategy capability across Energy and Natural Resources sectors globally. He supports executive teams in connecting the dots between long-term growth and sustainability aspirations and transformative actions that deliver results in-year.

Grant has more than a decade of experience across global and North American energy and materials markets, advising electric and gas utilities, competitive power generators, emerging technology players, international oil and gas leaders, chemicals players, and financial investors. His expertise includes growth strategies, capital planning, decarbonization, performance improvement, bulk power, and energy policy.

Example client engagements include:

  • The multi-year transformation of a large utility across multiple aspects of its business, including strategy, capital planning, regulatory and stakeholder engagement, and operational improvements;
  • Multi-topic strategy and policy support for a global energy business, including strategic stress testing, enhanced policy and stakeholder capabilities, and full potential strategy development for individual business units;
  • The renewables/transmission/DER market entry strategy for a regional infrastructure HoldCo seeking to build a multi-billion dollar asset business

In addition to his work supporting clients, Grant is the chair of the firm’s ENR Integrated Expertise Council, responsible for setting our global perspective on full potential for energy and resource businesses, and directing related intellectual property development activities.

Prior to joining us, Grant worked as a policy advisor in the UK Department of Energy and Climate Change. He holds an MBA from London Business School. 

He is the proud father of two daughters.

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