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Dale Cottrell

Advisory Partner,

30-year consulting veteran with substantial corporate transformation and corporate finance experience.




  • Southern and Eastern EMEA managing partner
  • Former Asia-Pacific regional managing partner
  • Former managing partner of our Australian practice
  • CEO succession and C-level effectiveness specialist

Dale Cottrell is a member of our Transformation and Financial Services practices. He is the managing partner for our southern and eastern EMEA businesses and formerly served as our firm's regional managing partner for Asia-Pacific, then based in Hong Kong.

Dale has considerable experience advising clients on CEO succession and CEO effectiveness, as well as various financial services businesses. He specializes in helping CEOs transform their companies over a 3-5 year timeframe.

His expertise also includes mergers and acquisitions, business valuations, bid and defense work, corporate turnaround and recovery work, MBOs, and financial investigations.

In addition to his client work, Dale designed and helps deliver our ongoing internal office head and practice leader training programs. He is also one of our core Commercial Excellence practitioners.

Dale earned an MBA from the Australian Graduate School of Management, where he graduated first in his class. He also holds a Bachelor of Commerce from the University of New South Wales.

He is a Chartered Accountant and an associate of the Securities Institute of Australia. 

In his personal time, Dale enjoys outdoor sports, including skiing, golf and trail running. He has two children at university.

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