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Claire Leslie

Младший партнер,


Consumer Products expert, with particular experience in organization, talent, and culture topics




  • Deep experience in leading large-scale transformations and operating model redesign
  • Expert in establishing agile enterprises
  • 10+ years consulting experience at Bain

Claire Leslie is a member of our Consumer Products and Organization practices. 

Claire primarily advises consumer products clients undergoing large-scale transformations. She has deep experience in operating model redesign, behavior change, culture change, upskilling talent, and establishing agile enterprises.

In addition to her client work, she is an active member of our Womxn at Bain affinity group, is engaged in our Associate Consultant recruiting efforts, and leads Atlanta’s Extraordinary Relationships pillar to drive employee engagement.

Claire holds an MBA from The University of Virginia Darden School of Business, where she was a Forte Fellow and Shermet Award winner, and an undergraduate degree from Davidson College, where she graduated Salutatorian. She lives in Atlanta with her husband and child.

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