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Share your journey to Bain.

As a software engineer, I have had a chance to work at a variety of companies: client software development agencies, early- and mid-stage startups, established financial services institutions as well as management consulting firms. During my professional journey so far, I have made it a point to sample as many environments as possible to make sure I find the perfect fit to my skills, abilities and professional development ambitions. The journey to consulting, specifically to Bain, has not been linear at all, however, it feels like the natural destination for me as it combines the most interesting challenges from all other professional environments I have been privileged to be a part of.

How did you know that Bain was the right company for you?

I have been fortunate to work on many teams with many bright individuals during the course of my career, however, Bain is taking it to the next level when it comes to the people capital. Not only we are set out to recruit the best and the brightest, like a lot of companies are, we also take great care to make sure that the people that we bring on board are not only extremely capable and smart, but also exhibit authentic human qualities that makes Bain teams as successful as they are.

When I was interviewing, I didn’t have to just trust the website marketing materials - very early in my interview process I was blown away by how caring, genuine and collaborative my colleagues-to-be were, making my choice for Bain very easy. Ever since starting in my role, I have been constantly reassured in my choice as I get to working with incredible people on every case that I am a part of.

Other than that, software engineering and digital capabilities are relatively new additions to the world of classic management consulting and are a part of a larger and ever-accelerating trend to expand the expert traditional consulting offerings. Given that we have not started on this journey long ago, I truly believe that the Global Engineering leadership team is incredibly well suited to continuously build a world-class engineering organisation that I am excited and proud to be a part of.

Do you feel like you can do impactful work at Bain? What opportunities excite you?

I am absolutely fascinated by the range of different types of cases and roles one can be a part of in a software engineering expert role: from serving as a trusted technical advisor to senior client stakeholders to help them on their journey to engineering and product excellence to closely collaborating on an intense focused problem with a cross-functional team of business, product and UX design specialists, as well as leading engineering teams to deliver innovative high-impact and high-visibility projects end to end for the client organisations.

There is never a shortage of professional development opportunities with Bain - depending on preferences, strengths, or simply where you are in the career journey, it’s possible to choose to hone in on specific software engineering skills, software architecture, or to build on communication, presentation and client management skills, providing ample chances to build a well-rounded engineering profile, no matter how junior or senior you happen to be.