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Headshot of Katherine Páez Ramos

Katherine Páez Ramos



Share your journey to Bain.

My expertise lies in building innovative digital products and driving digital transformation across various industries, including business services, consumer software, logistics, communications, and education. My diverse skill set stems from an interdisciplinary approach to my education. I studied Software Engineering, which provided a solid foundation in engineering science, and then pivoted to storytelling and data visualization. At the time, there were limited opportunities to learn about these areas in engineering school in Chile, so I attended Communications School to learn about storytelling, becoming a professional journalist and advertising expert. 

Throughout my career, I’ve worked as a freelance software engineer building products for websites, educational games, and data visualization research. I have also been part of software development companies and spent time in media companies conducting marketing research and working as an investigative journalist specializing in data journalism. During the pandemic, I started working as an adjunct professor at Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile and as a project manager at a company that combined advertising and technology, allowing me to integrate all my knowledge. 

A friend once mentioned that my career seemed very consultancy-oriented, given my movement from project to project across different skills and industries. They recommended that I consider consultancy firms. Around that time, I learned that Bain was making significant strides in creating a technical team focused on software and analytics, so I decided to apply for a role.

How did you know that Bain was the right company for you?

After interviewing some people already working in Bain’s Advanced Analytics Group (AAG) in Santiago, I knew the company was the right fit for me because it aligned perfectly with my diverse skill set and professional interests in software engineering, data visualization, and digital transformation. The company’s reputation for fostering a collaborative and innovative work environment assured me that I would be able to leverage my interdisciplinary expertise effectively. 

The emphasis on continuous learning and professional development matched my own career trajectory of seeking new challenges and expanding my knowledge base. The opportunity to work on a variety of projects across different industries was particularly appealing, as it mirrored my previous experiences. 

The company's culture of teamwork also played a crucial role in my decision. I felt that Bain’s and AAG's values especially aligned with my own professional principles, and I was confident that this environment would support my potential growth. 

Do you feel like you can do impactful work at Bain? What opportunities excite you?

The clients and challenges you face are always global and innovative. The impact is evident, especially in AAG, where we build products alongside strategies, ensuring real implementation as part of the whole solution.

Additionally, I've had the privilege of working with clients and teams from different parts of the world. This has been the most interesting and unexpected opportunity I've found at Bain. I never imagined I would be working with teams across different continents, cultures, and time zones. It's a good problem to have because the learning experience is immense, and it continuously pushes me to become the best version of myself. 

Share some of your favorite work (personal or professional) you’ve done while at Bain.

I've been collaborating on generative AI use cases over the past year, particularly in user interface and user experience development for these projects. Recently, I participated in a team working for a globally recognized US-based retailer. Our goal was to implement AI-based features across the organization at various levels, including both client-facing and internal products. 

My favorite part of this job is that our work not only accelerates and energizes product delivery to production but also involves coaching and upskilling client technical teams. We're developing the blueprint for a new way to create products and effectively leveraging these innovative technologies available in the process. Without wanting to sound corny, sometimes I feel like we're really shaping the future because our work impacts the daily lives of millions of people. 

Katherine's Career Story