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Alberto Marcuzzo

Младший партнер,


Banking and digital transformation expert, with a strong focus on credit and risk, advanced analytics and digital processes optimization.



  • 12+ years of firm experience across EMEA
  • Interlock between banking and advanced analytics practice

Alberto is a member of our Banking and Advanced Analytics practices.

He has extensive experience managing complex projects for financial institutions at a international level, contributing to designing and launching several of the engines (including digital lending, early warning & strategy selector) and digital platforms that back the credit life cycle.

His career brought him to specialize in credit and risk where his passion for "improving decision making with numbers" and "improving everyday problems with technology (and long-sighted functional design)" found a natural environment to flourish.

Alberto speaks five languages: the executive one focusing on the big picture and not on the "noisy" details, the credit specialist one (facilities, collaterals & regulatory - credit is a language on its own), the data scientist one (thanks to his past econometrics classes), the IT architect one (how a process is going to be developed is key part in a successful implementation) and the client one (the most important of all).

Before joining us, he graduated with a MSc in International Management at Bocconi University and a CEMS MIM MSc in International Management at Copenhagen Business School.

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