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Beyond the Bio Podcast

Strengthening Our Business: The Value of Experts at Bain

Todd Sangster, an expert associate partner in our San Francisco office, and Erin Ney, an expert associate partner in our Boston office, spent part of their careers immersed in science and healthcare. They discuss their backgrounds in science and medicine, their paths to and within Bain and how experts at Bain add extraordinary value to both our clients and our case teams.


Strengthening Our Business: The Value of Experts at Bain

What do topics like gene therapy supply chain, rapid Covid-19 testing and medical device pricing have in common? They all lie at the intersection of science and business, and they’re topics our Healthcare practice has partnered with our clients to tackle over the past year. Specifically, Todd Sangster, an expert associate partner in our San Francisco office, and Erin Ney, an expert associate partner in our Boston office, have deep knowledge in these areas and have advised our clients and case teams regarding these topics as healthcare experts at Bain. 

Neither Todd nor Erin thought their careers would eventually lead them to the expert path at Bain when they joined as general management consulting hires. Todd joined after completing a PhD in genetics with the initial goal of using the scientific method in a more fast-paced environment than academia, and Erin joined after completing a pre-med undergraduate degree, only to leave Bain a few years later to pursue medical school and spend 10 years practicing medicine before returning in her current role. Their valuable combination of foundational business knowledge, from their time as general management consultants along with their extensive knowledge of science and medicine, have allowed them to build long-term careers as experts at Bain.  As experts, they are “fluent in the common language of science” with our healthcare clients and use this fluency to support case teams, deepen the impact of the results we provide and build and share knowledge across a variety of topics facing healthcare clients in today’s ever-changing environment. 

Learn more about their backgrounds in science and medicine, their paths to and within Bain, and how Experts at Bain add extraordinary value to both our clients and our case teams on this episode of Beyond the Bio.  

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Beyond the Bio Podcast

In Beyond the Bio, Keith Bevans, partner and global head of consultant recruiting, dives deeper into the stories of some extraordinary Bain people, from their perspectives.
