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СтратегияWhat Gets in the Way of Great Strategy?Seven common pitfalls trip up leadership teams.Bain ClassicПрямые инвестицииИспользование Agile в управлении компаниямиBain ClassicСтратегияReigniting GrowthThree qualities can help any company restart its growth engine by removing gunk and complexity that has built up over the years.Explore Bain’s proprietary data, expert analysis and provocative points of viewBain ClassicТехнологииAnatomy of a Digital ForerunnerFive key characteristics of the companies that combine scale with digital agility.Bain ClassicИнформационные технологииRebooting IT: What Separates Digital Leaders from the RestTo meet rising customer demands and capture fast-moving opportunities, most organizations will need to completely change the way IT works.Финансовые услугиCutting through the Complexity of ComplianceA clean-sheet approach allows the compliance function to improve decision making and manage risk.Bain ClassicСлияния и поглощенияBreaking Out of the No-Growth TrapMany companies are holding on to their cash or returning it to shareholders when they could be investing in growth.Bain ClassicСтратегияThe Journey NorthWhy are so many fast-growing, disruptive companies able to run circles around larger, slower multinationals?Bain ClassicОрганизацияHow to Be a Better BossCoaching your team to make and execute critical decisions leads to higher productivity and engagement.Bain ClassicVector℠Digital-physical mashupsAs the digital revolution progresses, companies must fuse their digital and physical worlds.Bain ClassicРозничная торговляLeading a Digical® TransformationThe big change taking place in business today is the combination of digital and physical elements to create wholly new sources of value. Bain ClassicLeadership & TalentYour Scarcest ResourceTime is money, but few organizations treat it that way. Bain ClassicAccelerated Performance TransformationChoreographing a Full Potential TransformationAltering a company’s trajectory with game-changing results.Bain ClassicТехнологииIs Your Company Ready for the Internet of Things?The rise of machine-to-machine computing could generate as much as $1.4 trillion investment by 2017. Bain ClassicОрганизацияThe defining elements of a winning cultureCulture is the glue that binds an organization together and it's the hardest thing for competitors to copy. As a result, it can be a lasting source of competitive advantage.Bain ClassicИнформационные технологииBig Data: The Organizational ChallengeIf you don't know who (and where) your chief analytics officer is, you may already be behind the curve.Bain ClassicСлияния и поглощенияHow the best divestThe best companies manage their divestiture portfolios in a disciplined manner, following four straightforward rules.Bain ClassicУправление изменениями (Results Delivery℠)Results Delivery: Managing the highs and lows of changeMajor change initiatives provoke wild mood swings, which cloud people’s judgment and lead to bad decisions. Companies that have mastered change know how to anticipate those swings and counter the serious risks they create.Bain ClassicСлияния и поглощенияThe renaissance in mergers and acquisitions: How to make your deals successfulExperienced acquirers know how to recognize good deals—and how to build up a repeatable M&A capability.Bain ClassicСтратегияFounder's Mentality®: The Path to Scale InsurgencyHow fast-growing companies can capture the benefits of scale and scope by maintaining a Founder's Mentality®.Bain ClassicСтратегия работы с клиентами и маркетингThe keys to effective learningNet Promoter System empowers employees by teaching them the skills they need to generate loyalty and enthusiasm among customers. Bain ClassicСлияния и поглощенияThe renaissance in mergers and acquisitions: The surprising lessons of the 2000sIn the first decade of this century, many companies used M&A to deliver superior shareholder returns.Bain ClassicA world awash in moneyCapital trends through 2020.Bain ClassicNet Promoter System®From feedback to actionThe tight link between feedback and action is a key design element of Net Promoter System. The systems provide different kinds of feedback, and they encourage action at multiple levels of the organization.Bain ClassicПовышение эффективности деятельностиThe focused companyUnnecessary complexity cripples companies. But some have learned to root it out wherever it crops up.ОрганизацияMeasuring decision effectivenessGood, fast decision making and execution produce good financial results.Bain ClassicСтратегияBringing Your Strategy to the Front LineIf you can make your company's routine behaviors mirror your strategy, you can transform your business.Bain ClassicService OperationsUsing employee segmentation to bring out the best in your workforceEmployees, like customers, respond positively to offers customized to their needs and preferences.Bain ClassicOperating Model & Org DesignThe decision-driven organizationForget the org chart—the secret is to focus on decisions, not structure.Bain ClassicПовышение эффективности деятельностиRight-sizing the balance sheetThe benefits of a tightly managed balance sheet outweigh the benefits of cost cutting.Bain ClassicСтратегияMining Hidden Gems Often Pays DividendsNine out of ten companies find the secret to renewal is already within their walls.Bain ClassicСтратегияFinding Your Next Core BusinessHow to know when your core business must change—and what to do next.Bain ClassicПотребительские товарыTurning your consumers into die-hard fansMost senior executives at consumer products companies can say with complete conviction that their business strategy is entirely focused on the consumer.Bain ClassicОрганизацияBuilding a winning cultureA company's key to success is in its heart and soul.Bain ClassicСтратегияGrowth Outside the CoreSeeking growth? Expand your core businesses into related markets. Then repeat.