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Most Enterprise Technology Functions Have Set Sustainability Goals

Nearly as many have prioritized initiatives to meet those goals, but fewer are using software to track ESG metrics.

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Most Enterprise Technology Functions Have Set Sustainability Goals

Many enterprise technology organizations are setting decarbonization goals as part of their companies’ broader environmental efforts. Bain’s research found that nearly two-thirds of organizations have these goals, and almost as many have prioritized initiatives to meet those goals. Data centers are coming under scrutiny, and 63% said they are working to reduce their carbon footprint. Software to track emissions and other environmental, social, and governmental goals will also play a role, but only about half of respondents said they are already using this software, while others may be waiting for that market to mature and solidify.

As more companies look to technology to help address their ESG concerns, enterprise technology leaders are likely to play a much bigger role. For more, read the Bain brief Bringing the Power of Enterprise Technology to Decarbonization.


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