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Games Are the Gateway to the Metaverse

Social experiences in game spaces are laying the foundation for other online activities, such as concerts, sporting events, work, and school.


Games Are the Gateway to the Metaverse

Gamers are the pioneers of the metaverse. While large social platforms and other big technology firms try to define and understand the meaning of the term, gamers have been playing, socializing, and purchasing goods in virtual worlds for years. Younger gamers in particular, those between 13 and 17, are more interested in metaverse-style games than are older players, and they expect to spend more time (and money) there in the future.

Increasingly, the social experiences in game spaces will lay the foundation for other online activities, such as concerts, sporting events, streaming media, and potentially other aspects of life including work, school, and commerce. The growing demand for community experiences becomes a catalyst for a broader metaverse.

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Young Gamers and the Metaverse: How the Rules of Success Are Changing

Younger gamers spend more time and money on games than older players do, and that has implications for the industry.


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