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World Economic Forum

Forces transforming the content landscape

Forces transforming the content landscape

Unprecedented media innovation is transforming the content landscape in which creators, aggregators and distributors interact with each other and with consumers.

  • 1 min read


Forces transforming the content landscape

We are in the midst of a period of unprecedented media innovation that is changing the lives of billions of people across the globe. It is an exciting time for consumers, as innovators develop new platforms and devices to entertain, inform and connect users in ways that were only dreamed of a decade ago.

For content creators, aggregators and distributors, it is a time for concern as well as joy, as the landscape shifts beneath their feet. An innovation in one part of the ecosystem may reduce costs or improve the customer experience, but it might also disrupt a content creator’s business model, reduce an aggregator’s market share or diminish a distributor’s value proposition.

In this report, we profile the forces transforming the content landscape in which creators, aggregators and distributors interact with one another and with the consumer. These forces are fundamentally altering the content ecosystem with implications for users, businesses and policy professionals.

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