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How we can help

Working Capital Management

Companies can free up significant cash by focusing on working capital, yet most struggle to make that happen. Our Net Working Capital Excellence program helps you quickly generate the cash you need to spur critical improvements to your business.

Working Capital Management

Achieving a step-change in net working capital (NWC) performance can be challenging. Companies tend to devote far more focus to operating profit. Financial reporting at the P&L level doesn’t measure working capital optimization. Gaining full visibility into cash performance and availability can be a struggle. And improving NWC performance requires cross-functional cooperation and alignment with mid-level managers, which is difficult to achieve, particularly when their incentives are misaligned with effective working capital management. Our working capital advisory services have helped companies in many industries overcome those obstacles and reduce the cash conversion cycle markedly—and sustainably. 

What to Expect

What to Expect

Our Working Capital Experience & Impact

Our Working Capital Experience & Impact

A Closer Look

Our Insights on Working Capital

Our Working Capital Consultants

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