Karen Harris

Managing Director, Macro Trends Group,

New York
Headshot of Karen Harris

About Karen

Karen Harris is the managing director of our Macro Trends Group (MTG).

Macro Trends Group is the capability group for developing our firm's insights about global macroeconomics, macro social trends, and geopolitics as they impact the results of our clients. The group’s proprietary research includes work on trends driving global growth in GDP and capital markets, as well as specific geographic analyses (including China, the United States, and the Eurozone), which it uses to help clients understand the potential impact of the volatile global environment on their businesses.

Addressing the need for satisfying, respected, remunerative work will be a critical task over the next decade as automation replaces work in not just manufacturing but in services, with attention required for the producer side – the work force – and not just the consumer side, or the distribution of spending power.

Karen Harris

Karen frequently works with institutional investors to embed macro strategy into their investment strategies and due diligence efforts.

Karen holds an M.B.A., with distinction, from Harvard Business School and a J.D. from Columbia Law School. She holds bachelor's degrees in economics and international relations, with honors, from Stanford University.

Karen is regularly featured in major media outlets, including The Wall Street Journal, Financial Times, Harvard Business Review, Forbes, Economic Times of IndiaCaijing China, and CEO Forum Australia, Bloomberg and FOX Television.

She is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations, the National Committee on US-China Relations, and the Economics Club of New York.

Karen is also a Global Futures Council member for the World Economic Forum, as well as a member of the Community of Chief Economists.

She serves on the Board of Helen Keller International, a global non-profit focusing on health and nutrition.

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