사례 연구

Global expansion boosts supermarket earnings and growth

A leading European supermarket chain asked our team to develop a framework for international expansion. We evaluated multiple options and developed a phased seven-year international growth plan based on the highest potential value. The result: a significant increase in local market share and potential return on sales.

  • 2 읽기 소요시간


The Situation

SuperFoodCo* is a leading European supermarket chain and owner of a regional supermarket chain in the US. The company anticipated a significant earnings gap in years 4-10 in its 10-year plan and hypothesized that further international expansion could close this gap.

Other food retailers had already begun to expand internationally both organically and through alliances with local players. And increasingly, foreign markets and consolidation are key to continued growth in the food retail market.

The company asked us to develop a framework for international expansion, including a vision and action steps, to reach growth targets.

Our Approach

After evaluating various options for expansion, key action steps were defined for the highest-potential models.

Our Recommendations

We developed a phased seven-year international growth plan based on the higher potential value creation of local consolidation and competence transfer.

The Results

Based on Bain's recommendations, SuperFoodCo purchased a US retailer. This combination increased local market share significantly and raised potential return on sales.


* We take our clients' confidentiality seriously. While we've changed their names, the results are real.

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