How We Can Help 필터링 기준:솔루션 필터링하기산업컨설팅 서비스비즈니스 니즈선택:석유 및 가스Bain Academy℠"지속 가능한 결과"를 제공할 수 있도록 베인은 고객사와 끊임없이 협업합니다. 이론과 실무경험으로 다져진 분야 별 최고 전문가가 설계한 각종 고객 맞춤형 교육 경험을 Bain Academy를 통해 제공합니다. 자세히 보기Bain Transformation CatalystReenergize stalled or struggling transformations and achieve full-potential results.자세히 보기Business StrategyWin today and in the future.자세히 보기Commercial Excellence X-raySell more, and more profitably, with the insights generated by Commercial Excellence X-Ray. We benchmark your company against hundreds of others, both within and outside your industry, to help you perfect your go-to-market strategy.자세히 보기Complexity ManagementComplexity kills growth. Fight back with Complexity Management, a proven approach that boosts revenue 5%-40% and reduces costs 10%-35%. Even better, it improves customer satisfaction, inventory turns and margins.자세히 보기Data and Analytics TransformationAs data explodes in quantity and complexity companies find it increasingly difficult to unlock its full potential. We take a comprehensive approach to your data challenges, helping you conquer obstacles and become an analytics leader.자세히 보기Digital StrategyA winning digital strategy balances today’s needs with tomorrow’s opportunities. We apply our "Today Forward, Future Back" approach to deliver immediate, tangible benefits that propel you into your digital future.자세히 보기Divestitures and Spin-offsMinimize risk, maximize value, and leave separated businesses better than when they started.자세히 보기Experimentation at ScaleThe best way to discover what customers want is to let them tell you—but you have to know how to listen. Experimentation at Scale lets you test hundreds of messaging, pricing, and product variables to find the winning combination that resonates with your audience.자세히 보기Go-to-Market StrategyEnhance every element of your commercial functions to deliver top and bottom line growth자세히 보기Industrial ArchitectIndustrial companies often struggle to make the leap from digital pilots to fully scaled implementations. We offer an integrated approach that prioritizes scale so your digital transformation produces maximum ROI.자세히 보기Joint Ventures and AlliancesJoint ventures and alliances can be an excellent way to boost inorganic growth. We work closely with you to maximize the value of such arrangements, and build the internal capabilities you need to manage them to full potential.자세히 보기Lean Six SigmaBy combining lean manufacturing with digital capabilities companies can eliminate more waste, save more money and efficiently execute their manufacturing strategies. 자세히 보기M&A CapabilityTo achieve strong growth through M&A it's imperative to develop a repeatable model based on four key disciplines. Success rates double when you master these critical capabilities. 자세히 보기M&A Due Diligence Make better investment decisions with thorough diligence—leveraging proprietary insights to bid confidently and competitively.자세히 보기M&A StrategyYour M&A strategy should be a logical extension of your growth strategy, and should be based on a disciplined and repeatable model that supports frequent, ever larger deals. 자세히 보기Organizational Design and Operating ModelThis is how you make your strategy happen자세히 보기Post-merger IntegrationA unique approach that unlocks value beyond your expectations.자세히 보기ProcurementWe help companies develop sourcing strategies for a sustainable future.자세히 보기Supply Chain ReinventionTurn your supply chain into a competitive weapon, one that's digital, sustainable and more resilient than ever before. 자세히 보기Zero-based BudgetingMake sure that every dollar you spend serves your strategy. Zero-based budgeting creates an ownership mindset that reduces costs by 20 to 40 percent, and keeps costs out. 자세히 보기