Infographic Smarter Bank Pricing in the Age of AI Understanding each customer's price sensitivity helps banks balance discounting with sales conversions. 글 Roberto Frazzitta, Luigi Esposito, Simone Battistino, Joe Fielding, and Seow-Chien Chew 2024년10월16일 Infographic Smarter Bank Pricing in the Age of AI en The authors thank Francesca Chinello, a manager at Bain, for her work on this analysis. 저자 Roberto Frazzitta 파트너, Milan Luigi Esposito 파트너, Milan Simone Battistino 부파트너, Milan Joe Fielding 파트너, New York Seow-Chien Chew 파트너, Singapore 문의하기 태그 Artificial Intelligence Artificial Intelligence Insights Pricing Pricing and Promotions Vector℠ 고객 전략 및 마케팅 금융 서비스 뱅킹 어드밴스드 애널리틱스