
Losing Control: How Zero-Click Search Affects B2B Marketers

The rise of AI-generated summaries portends big changes in the way brands find buyers and position themselves online.


Losing Control: How Zero-Click Search Affects B2B Marketers

Click-through rates have plummeted in the year since Google introduced AI-generated summaries. Bain’s research finds that zero-click searches—when users are satisfied with the AI summary and go no further—are now the default for consumers. Early data shows the same trend in B2B searches, with click-through rates falling by as much as 30% in some categories, including B2B software.

That’s a problem for marketers, since 85% of B2B buyers purchase from their “day one” list—the vendors they had in mind before searching. This shift leaves brands with less ability to influence buyers’ day one lists with smart search strategies and less visibility into customers’ purchasing process. Adapting to this new reality calls for new muscles and metrics—and most B2B marketers are not ready.


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