스냅차트 Companies That Earn Customers’ Loyalty Outperform With Investors Net Promoter Score℠ leaders in the US excel in shareholder return as well as revenue and operating income growth. 글 Joanna Zhou, Richard Hatherall, Phil Sager, Daniel Möllerhenn, and Anna Krementz 2024년10월18일 스냅차트 Companies That Earn Customers’ Loyalty Outperform With Investors en 저자 Joanna Zhou Practice Director, Dallas Richard Hatherall 파트너, Sydney Phil Sager 파트너, Toronto Daniel Möllerhenn 파트너, Frankfurt Anna Krementz Vice President, NPS Prism , New York 문의하기 First published in 10월 2024 태그 CMO Insights NPS Prism®