Arab News

Shock-Proof: How to Forge Resilient Supply Chains

Shock-Proof: How to Forge Resilient Supply Chains

The disruption triggered by COVID-19 has prompted leadership teams to confront a new era of supply chain volatility

  • 2021년1월5일
  • 읽기 소요시간

Arab News

Shock-Proof: How to Forge Resilient Supply Chains

DUBAI: As COVID-19 threw fragile global supply chains into disarray, many companies were stunned by their own vulnerability. The risk of depending on a supply base that is concentrated in one geographic region has been increasing over the past 30 years, but the pandemic quickly demonstrated how much chaos and pain one unexpected event could inflict.

It was a powerful wake-up call. The disruption triggered by COVID-19 has prompted leadership teams to confront a new era of supply chain volatility.