Carrier Management

Change Management: A Guide for Leaders

Change Management: A Guide for Leaders

The odds are stacked against businesses, including insurance carriers, achieving the goals of their change management programs. Here, experts from Bain & Company give the statistics and provide tips to increase your chances of success.

  • 2019년1월3일
  • 읽기 소요시간

Carrier Management

Change Management: A Guide for Leaders

Bain & Company research has found that only 12 percent of companies that launch major change initiatives fully achieve their goals.

And many companies settle for less than 100 percent of their stated ambitions. Atul Aggarwal, a partner in Bain & Company's New York office and a leader in the firm's Financial Services and Organization practices, said that the same Bain research found that 50 percent of companies achieve between half and 99 percent of what they set out to achieve, while 38 percent achieve less than half.

Carrier Management