
A roadmap for portfolio growth

Our multinational conglomerate client had outgrown its old strategy. We helped executives articulate a new corporate vision and created a three-year roadmap to achieve overall growth and reverse a decline in the company's stock price.

  • 2 min read


The Situation

PortfolioCo*, a $2.5 billion multinational conglomerate, wanted an integrated strategy for its portfolio of companies.

Executives needed to articulate a new corporate vision to maximize shareholder value. They were particularly concerned that one division was responsible for a disproportionately large portion of the profits and felt that it was critical that the develop the seven underperforming businesses in the company's portfolio.

PortfolioCo asked Bain to help develop a new corporate vision to achieve overall growth and reverse the decline in the company's stock price.

Our Approach

Bain used a three-year framework to guide the work and frame the clients' thinking around core issues.

Our Recommendations

Bain recommended three possible options, each of which articulated a new corporate vision. PortfolioCo selected Option 3.

The Results

The market enthusiastically endorsed PortfolioCo's new corporate vision, sending its share price to new highs.


* We take our clients' confidentiality seriously. While we've changed their names, the results are real.

