How We Can Help フィルター:フィルターソリューション業界別プラクティス機能別プラクティスビジネス・ニーズ検索条件:Bain Accelerated Transformation誤ったコスト削減は企業の重要な活動に影響を及ぼし、成長を失速させてしまう恐れがあります。Bain Accelerated Transformationは、必要なコスト、キャッシュ、資本、収益効果を早期に創出するだけでなく、企業の長期的成長の後押しとなる力やコスト削減に対するオーナーシップマインドを醸成します。詳細Business Process RedesignProcess redesign can help you deliver the highest quality service in the most productive way at the most competitive cost. We have helped hundreds of companies do just that, typically saving them 20% to 30% of the addressable cost base. 詳細Capability SourcingTeam up with the best external sourcing partners, blending their capabilities with your own, to gain access to best-in-class capabilities to improve your competitive position詳細Complexity ManagementComplexity kills growth. Fight back with Complexity Management, a proven approach that boosts revenue 5%-40% and reduces costs 10%-35%. Even better, it improves customer satisfaction, inventory turns and margins.詳細Finance Function AdvantageTransform your Finance function to focus more on higher value activities such as decision support and spend less time on accounting and transactional Finance activities詳細HR Function AdvantageMajor changes in the workforce and workplace, driven by demographics, alternative work arrangements and digital technologies, are rewriting the rules of HR. Transform your HR function to adapt to these changes.詳細Lean Six SigmaBy combining lean manufacturing with digital capabilities companies can eliminate more waste, save more money and efficiently execute their manufacturing strategies. 詳細Shared ServicesOur Share Smarter, Serve Better approach helps you rethink what work gets done, how and by whom. The result: Your people can focus their skills and energy on the work that matters most to your strategy - and do it faster, smarter and more efficiently.詳細Supply Chain & Operations DecarbonizationUnlock stronger financial performance by harnessing the power of sustainability with our global experts, cutting-edge capabilities, and strategic partnerships. 詳細Working Capital ManagementCompanies can free up significant cash by focusing on working capital, yet most struggle to make that happen. Our Net Working Capital Excellence program helps you quickly generate the cash you need to spur critical improvements to your business.詳細Zero-based BudgetingMake sure that every dollar you spend serves your strategy. Zero-based budgeting creates an ownership mindset that reduces costs by 20 to 40 percent, and keeps costs out. 詳細ゼロベース・リデザインどの業務をどのように進めるのかをゼロベースで見直します。オペレーティングモデルを白紙から設計するアプローチを用いて、組織の簡素化や業務プロセスのスリム化を行い、デジタル化の可能性を見出し、大きなコスト削減の機会を特定します。詳細