Selected Highlights Get unstuck this year Get unstuck this year Refresh your growth strategy Refresh your growth strategy Inside secondary funds' boom Inside secondary funds' boom Build a better buy-and-build Build a better buy-and-build Generative AI's game-changing disruption Generative AI's game-changing disruption Getting cash back to investors Getting cash back to investors Explore the Report グローバル プライベートエクイティ リポート Private Equity Outlook 2024: The Liquidity Imperative Spiking interest rates derailed dealmaking in 2023 and left the capital flywheel sputtering. Getting unstuck is job one in the year ahead. グローバル プライベートエクイティ リポート Move-In Ready: Renovating Your Growth Strategy To sell in this challenging market, show buyers why the best is yet to come. グローバル プライベートエクイティ リポート Have Secondaries Reached a Tipping Point? Private equity needs liquidity. Expanding the market for secondary funds may be the solution. グローバル プライベートエクイティ リポート Building a Stronger Buy-and-Build Winning now demands an intense focus on organic growth and margin improvement. グローバル プライベートエクイティ リポート Harnessing Generative AI in Private Equity Investors are already using these technologies to transform companies, make better decisions, and boost returns. グローバル プライベートエクイティ リポート The Year Cash Became King Again in Private Equity Future fund-raising will depend on the industry’s creativity in returning cash to investors.