Our research reveals that Asia-Pacific’s 50 largest consumer products companies saw overseas revenue grow three times faster than domestic revenue between 2012 and 2021. In this webinar, David Zehner, Philip Leung, and Gino Dizon, partners in our Consumer Products and M&A practices, unpack these insights and help identify winning strategies, sharing what they’ve observed about Asia-Pacific companies pursuing growth overseas through M&A.

Overseas Ambition: アジア太平洋地域の 消費財メーカーの成長加速に向けた M&A活用
アジア太平洋地域のトップ50 消費財メーカーの過去10年間にわたるM&A活動は、成長を目指す企業への豊富な示唆を含んでいる

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First published in 6月 2023