Utilizing the Digital Workforce as a Cost Reduction Lever Post Covid-19

As the economy begins to kick back into gear, businesses will feel the impacts of the pandemic for some time. On this episode, Blue Prism’s Brad Hairston talks with Moshé Dickerman, an expert principal within Bain & Company’s automation center of excellence, who explains how companies across all industries will be utilizing the digital workforce as a cost reduction lever post Covid-19.

The conversation focused in on the following topics:

  • Where companies will be focused as they emerge from the Covid-19 lockdown and the role that automation will play in this
  • How the digital workforce is different from other more traditional cost reduction methods
  • Whether or not companies who have never utilized digital labor will consider adding this capability during the post-lockdown timeframe
  • How companies should rapidly identify the best processes to automate so that they prioritize their efforts appropriately
  • Where companies typically begin their digital workforce journey
  • Other business outcomes (besides cost reduction) that companies are utilizing digital labor to achieve
  • Challenges that companies face when they start utilizing digital labor
  • The maturity of RPA in Latin America
  • Digital Transformation predictions for the balance of the year

