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- Jan 21詳細
2025 Bain Breaks it Down: Optimizing Performance with AI and Bold Teams (AMER/EMEA) - Virtual
Join Bain & Company for an insightful webinar that explores the impact of AI and teamwork at the highest levels of performance. This webinar will take
place on January 21st from 9:00 - 10:00 am ET and is open to anyone interested in learning more about Bain. During this event, you will hear how Bain’s
advanced AI-powered simulation tools helped Athena Pathway and its sailing teams optimize decision-making and deliver game-changing results at the... - Jan 22詳細
2025 Bain Breaks it Down: Optimizing Performance with AI and Bold Teams (APAC/EMEA) - Virtual
Join Bain & Company for an insightful webinar that explores the impact of AI and teamwork at the highest levels of performance. This webinar will take
place on January 22nd from 9:30 - 10:30 am GMT and is open to anyone interested in learning more about Bain. During this event, you will hear how
Bain’s advanced AI-powered simulation tools helped Athena Pathway and its sailing teams optimize decision-making and deliver game-changing results...