5 Questions with a Research & Data Services lead on returning to the workforce

5 Questions with a Research & Data Services lead on returning to the workforce

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9月 13, 2024

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Khoan Cheung, lead of Research & Data Services at Bain & Company, shares insights on rejoining the workforce after a six-year hiatus. In this Q&A, discover how she successfully navigated her return and found renewed purpose in her role at Bain.

1. Can you describe your background?

Culturally, I am Chinese, and my nationality is British. I was three years old when I immigrated to the UK. My parents, grandparents, 2-year-old sister, newborn baby brother, and I had come from a refugee camp in Hong Kong.

Our family is Cantonese-speaking, but we lived in Vietnam where we had a lovely life. Unfortunately, the war forced us to leave Vietnam, but were lucky to be offered asylum in the UK where we lived in Accrington and later moved to Manchester. 

2. How did you begin your career?

I am wholeheartedly a business researcher. My professional journey started with earning a bachelor’s in information science and working in investment banking. After eight years in the banking sector, I moved into consulting and joined Oliver Wyman where I worked for nine years.

By then I had my third baby and at that time I reached a point where I needed some time off from work for my mental health whilst dealing with losing my mother. I never planned on taking a six-year break.

3. What did you do during your time off?

My mother loved pandan cakes which are light, fluffy, sponge cakes, that are colored green and flavored by the juices from the pandan leaf. It is also known as pandan chiffon. We tried loads from the market and felt they were quite synthetic. I decided to master the skill myself, and after two years of experimentation, I landed on the perfect recipe.

I also developed recipes for other cakes. Initially, I baked in honor of my mother, and for my children, and friends. I started getting cake orders through word-of-mouth, and it all snowballed from there. I ran my own little cake business for a couple of years. However, the business closed because of the global pandemic in 2020.

4. How did you rediscover your place Bain?

In 2022, my ex-colleague contacted me about an opportunity at Bain. I immediately thought, ‘This is my sign to get back to consulting’. After six years out of the workforce, I worried about how much had changed. However, I successfully reintegrated and feel at home at Bain. I can confidently and proudly say that I am a Bainie.

5. What do you like to do outside of work?

I still enjoy baking; it helps me relax and cope with stress. I have tried my hand at various recipes and most recently, started with sushi making. Now that I am not baking and cooking for a living, I enjoy it more.

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