Luxury Daily

Diamond industry likely to follow strong 2017 with further growth

Diamond industry likely to follow strong 2017 with further growth

The global diamond industry experienced a strong 2017, with 2 percent growth across all industry sectors propelled by a dramatic increase in production.

  • 2018年12月6日
  • min read

Luxury Daily

Diamond industry likely to follow strong 2017 with further growth

According to Bain & Company’s eighth annual global diamond report, the diamond market is expected to see further growth for the foreseeable future. Nonetheless, companies need to reevaluate how they reach millennial and Generation Z consumers as their purchasing power grows.

"The diamond industry closely mirrors the luxury industry in its resilience to socio-economic turmoil around the world," said Olya Linde, a partner with Bain & Company and the lead author of the report. "In 2017, we saw notable growth across all segments of the diamond industry value chain even in the face of increased market turbulence, continuing a climb that started in 2016.”

Luxury Daily