4 Questions with a Black at Bain member on creativity and empowerment

4 Questions with a Black at Bain member on creativity and empowerment

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settembre 10, 2024

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Jahvon Coney, an associate consultant in Bain & Company’s Houston office, shares his artistic journey and passion for community empowerment. Discover his experience with the Black at Bain affinity group and his dedication to fostering creativity and diversity in this Q&A.

1. What early influences shaped your artistic journey?

I've always had a special connection with art. My father’s collection of Black paintings adorned our home, captivating me from a young age. Seeing my curiosity, my parents enrolled me in a painting class taught by Louisiana-born artist Ethel Dixon. There, I learned the foundations of composition, charcoal techniques, and acrylic coloring. This experience molded my talent, which I later chose to express through photography.

2. How did Howard University shape your artistic perspective?

As a budding creative, one of my most pivotal moments occurred at Howard University in Dr. Gwendolyn Everett's class. Dr. Everett, an expert on American and African American art, taught me about the dimensional narratives within the discipline and its evolution over time. It was during her class that I realized society often perceives "popular" Black art as that rooted in pain and difficult times.

However, Dr. Everett challenged and disproved this notion, showing me that Black art can celebrate the richness of our past and boldly envision our future. Moreover, I learned that Black art's true essence can only be grasped by those who intimately experience it. This perspective profoundly changed my artistic outlook, inspiring me to capture the everyday moments shared among my fellow peers.

3. What did you aim to achieve with your photography?

Through my photography, I aimed to show the full scope of the Howard experience, both within and beyond the classroom. It was my way to honor our rich history while showing the fullness of our community.

One of the series that I value most captures the student-led fashion shows at the university. Here, students showcased a blend of designer and student-made brands, exuding creativity and individuality with each walk. The joy of these moments inspired me to document them meticulously, sharing the photos with those who participated and ensuring their preservation in our university’s archives.

4. How has the Bain community supported your growth?

As I move through life, I understand that it is my mission to continue building a sense of mutual support, joy, and empowerment for those around me. However, I recognize that achieving this requires finding a community that shares those same values. Fortunately, my Black at Bain peers have been that support system for me since my summer internship. I was provided mentorship that helped me grow immensely.

Therefore, I feel honored to contribute to the community here at Bain. When approached for advice on how to choose a career path and employer, I always say, “It’s imperative to find a workplace that honors your individuality, empowers you to live your truth fully, and provides unwavering support through adversity, not simply because you need it, but because you deserve it."

Learn more about our affinity groups to discover how we foster an inclusive workplace.

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