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Technology Merger Integration

Technology integration is a critical element of any merger or acquisition—and one of the most daunting. We help you avoid risks and transform this challenge into a significant source of deal value and competitive advantage.

Technology Merger Integration

Technology issues can make or break deal value. As deals become more complex technology integration becomes critically important, yet it's often an aspect of integration that is under-resourced--and in which costs can quickly spiral out of control. 

Our extensive experience in IT consulting and technology integrations has highlighted a few "golden rules":

  • 70% of technology integrations fail in the beginning, not the end
  • There is a lot of money at stake: More than 50% of business synergies are technology-enabled
  • A clear cost-management process is required to avoid cost proliferation throughout the integration

We bring a strategic lens to post-merger technology integration. Acting as your general contractor, we work closely with your team to tackle the most critical  technology priorities while keeping the most important strategic questions front-and-center.

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