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Saradha Sethuraman

À propos de Saradha

How did you know that Bain was the right company for you?

FRWD@Bain offers a variety of opportunities across industries and markets, all of them uniquely tuned to solving critical marketing problems while adding short- and long-term business value. Its mission resonated with what I wanted more of in my career.

In my short term with FRWD, I have seen this come true, working across four different industries solving a variety marketing challenges.

Do you feel like you can do impactful work at Bain? What opportunities excite you?

Driving change with many stakeholders at an organization is always challenging, and FRWD@Bain's methodology to transform current ways of working is always exciting to put into practice. It’s heartening to hear clients sharing their success stories because of the changes we had implemented, or how our work has enabled them to do their business better.

Share some of your favorite work (personal or professional) you’ve done while at Bain.

FRWD@Bain occupies a unique positioning where we do not compete with client's internal teams or agency stakeholders but rather work collaboratively with them to identify opportunities and implement tests to accelerate change. In a recent childcare case I worked on, we worked with internal client teams and collaborated with agency stakeholders, both whom appreciated insights from the FRWD team and were willing to be positively challenged to improve performance.